Kids Double Birthday Tarpaulin Design | Orden Sheena & Orden Cander on Mickey and Friends

     Hi guys if you find this blog contents cute and useful. Please leave a comment down bellow. Because the design that you see above was used for the celebration of Orden Sheena and Orden Xander this cute little friend of mine were to celebrate their birthday on the same month and almost on the same day. That is why we had it design this way. 

      This is not my first time to encounter designing a  double birthday tarpaulin. Well enfact if I am right this was the second. Check my first Double Birthday Tarpaulin, and try to get ideas from this two for your next journey on designing and making great layouts.      

Hi! Thank you for reading this post if you have some questions or suggestion please leave a comment bellow or just email to or contact me my mobile number +639106650956. HAVE A GREAT DAY!
