21st Birthday Tarpaulin Design for Gentlemen Simple

     21st Birthday Tarpauilin Design for gentlemen turning 20's. Most of  the photos that was sent to from the client mostly taken from mobile phones but I get not good result because of the pixelated resources but this one here although the image  stands blurry. What I wanted to share here is the idea and of the layout arrangement simplicity.

Now with the celebrant we pick a main photo of her that we think can easily catch the eye of the watcher/audience. One of the very important part of the birthday layouts is the main characters photo. In which basing on the main picture it will answer the following questions:
  • Who is the celebrant?
  • How young does he/she look?
  • Is the celebrant a girl or a boy?
QUICK TIP: Adding white outline on the shape of the subject is one of the main ingredient to bring the audience eyes to look into.

Hi! Thank you for reading this post if you have some questions or suggestion please leave a comment bellow or just email to dhelandelpino@gmail.com or contact me my mobile number +639106650956. HAVE A GREAT DAY!


  1. where did you find the background of it?

    1. I got it from Google Image search


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