24rth Birthday Tarpaulin Design | Doctor Bubble-head

     My elder brother's birthday tarpaulin in his 24th birthday, unlike any another designs this one is something different. 

     All you have to prepare for this design are:
          1. Pick a color that suites the subject
          2. Pick one main photo for the front layer
          3. Select atleast 4 to 7 photo for the collage
          4. The text details: date, age and name
          5. Font
The Bubble-head
    The buble-head design is a fun and exciting  to make for your friends and love ones, not to making them look funny but just a little enjoying to watch. Making  bubble head is very simple. All you have to do is to crop a head that is clear and not blurry, think of the subjects profession or hobby, there you can make a basis on to what he/she might be representing, he/she may become a police, a fireman, a teacher, a doctor, a superman or anything. Just make some fun dressing them like you are on a fashion show. Fit the image and make sure thay the head will be bigger that the body.

Hi! Thank you for reading this post if you have some questions or suggestion please leave a comment bellow or just email to dhelandelpino@gmail.com or contact me my mobile number +639106650956. HAVE A GREAT DAY!
