Congratulations Tarpaulin Design

     Hello, thank you for clicking the post. I bet you are looking for this types of tarpaulin designs and I can say that you are in the right page.

"Design is not just what it looks like and feels like.
Design is how it works."
-Steve Jobs, co-founder of Apple, Inc.
    This Tarpaulin design was not meant for graduation greetings banner. This design was made for the Congratulations banner of the research presentors. Every once a year all Information Technology related courses all over Mindanao Philippines holds a MCITS (Mindanao Conference of Information Technology Students), where every school presents under-graduate researches by the students and faculty researches.
     Our school was represented by two ComsciPipz men, sir Levy and sir Prince. In the middle we have our faculty Maam Ann.


Request: Congratulations to the research presentors
Date: February 2017

Hi! Thank you for reading this post if you have some questions or suggestion please leave a comment bellow or just email to or contact me my mobile number +639106650956. HAVE A GREAT DAY!
