Happy 1st Birthday Tarpaulin Design | Disney Mickey Mouse Theme

     Happy 1st Birthday Tarpaulin Design. The theme is one of the famous Disney Cartoon Characters. One of the most requested themes.

"Design is not just what it looks like and feels like.
Design is how it works."
 -Steve Jobs, co-founder of Apple, Inc.

     All you have to prepare for this design are:
          1. Pick a color that suites the subject
          2. Pick one main photo for the front layer
          3. Select atleast 4 to 7 photo for the collage
          4. The text details: date, age and name
          5. Font
The Collage Frames
    This layout focuses more entirely on the subject. Bringing the main photo to a large scale will make it more attractive.  In this collage I am using square frames and by adding strokes and shadows on the outer side of the shape makes it more visible and realistic.

Hi! Thank you for reading this post if you have some questions or suggestion please leave a comment bellow or just email to dhelandelpino@gmail.com or contact me my mobile number +639106650956. HAVE A GREAT DAY!
