Church Events Tarpaulin Design | SHS Crusade Preaching

     As a born Seventh-day Adventist, I believe that there is a God in heaven who painted the skies design life with beauty and perfection.
"Design is not just what it looks like and feels like.
Design is how it works."
 -Steve Jobs, co-founder of Apple, Inc.
The Layout
     The tarpaulin design above was requested to me by the Senior Highschool officers, as far as I remember this was requested their upcoming Crusade (community preaching) i which they are to sponsor. 
      The design was formed from my researches and what I found was the royal-like theme. Which consists of the gold and maroon color which turned out great and fit to the theme and event. The image of Jesus was from painting of the vision of E.G.White which is I think fits the design.

Hi! Thank you for reading this post if you have some questions or suggestion please leave a comment bellow or just email to or contact me my mobile number +639106650956. HAVE A GREAT DAY!
